Tuolumne River Area
Project: Tuolumne River Watershed
About Hydrocomp Incorporated

Hydrocomp Inc. is a software development and consulting company that supports the design and operations of water resource facilities through the environmental analysis and planning of watershed behavior. Hydrocomp’s proprietary software, HFAM, uses hydrometeorological data to create accurate simulations of hydrologic processes to assist in making vital decisions relating to facilities.
Hydrocomp’s began development on their Hydrocomp Forecast and Analysis Model (HFAM) software in 2003 and continues to develop and add features regularly.
Norman Crawford pioneered the development of computer simulation methods for hydrologic processes, including snow accumulation and melt, infiltration, soil moisture, surficial groundwater and actual evapotranspiration. He developed the Stanford Watershed Model as a doctoral dissertation at Stanford University in California, and later on the faculty at Stanford, directed NSF sponsored research on applications of continuous hydrologic simulation to water resource management.

As a principal in Hydrocomp Inc. Dr. Crawford contributed to the design and development of widely used modeling systems (HSP, HSPF, HFAM). The U.S. EPA distributes the HSPF hydrologic/water quality model and the U. S. Geological Survey. His interests include operational forecasting and optimization for reservoirs and hydropower systems and spatial visualization of physical processes in watersheds. He has lectured and developed professional courses in twenty countries worldwide.
Dr. Crawford is a recipient of the American Institute of Hydrology, Ray K. Linsley Award for “Major Contributions to Engineering Hydrology” and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Ven Te Chow Award for “Lifetime achievement in the field of hydrologic engineering that is distinguished by exceptional and significant contributions in research, education, or practice”.
Dr. Crawford is a graduate of the University of Alberta (B.S. – Civil Engineering) and of Stanford University (M.S., Ph. D.)
Senior Engineer/Senior Hydrologist
Ms. Kenward has 25 years of engineering consulting experience specializing in hydrology and water resources engineering with expertise in the computer modeling of watershed hydrology and reservoir operations for water supply and power generation. She has extensive experience in developing customized models of water systems and adapting project-specific and generic public domain models to a range of project settings. These models have been used to evaluate impacts of hydropower and water supply projects on instream flows, to predict supply availability, and to optimize hydropower generation.

Her professional experience at Hydrocomp includes developing HFAM (Hydrocomp Forecast and Analysis Model) version 2.0, a hydrologic simulation program for inflow and demand forecasting and reservoir management and POP (Power Optimization tool), a spreadsheet-based optimization model to schedule hydropower generation to maximize revenue.
Ms. Kenward is a graduate of both Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada (BSCE) and the University of Washington in Seattle (MSCE) in Civil Engineering, specializing in hydrology. She is a registered professional civil engineer in the State of California.
Senior Hydrologist
Lisa Anich is a consulting hydrologist for Hydrocomp, Inc. She is responsible for hydrometeorological data QA/QC and model database updates. Ms. Anich has more than 20 years’ experience with the application of HSPF and HFAM to a wide range of streamflow forecasting, sediment transport, and water quality assessments. She has also trained professionals in Hydrocomp’s modeling workshops.
Ms. Anich has organized and led several watershed planning groups and water quality monitoring programs, and received Contra Costa Watershed Forum’s Volunteer of the Year award. She is a graduate of Stanford University with a B.S. in Geology and an M.S. in Water Resources Engineering.